In Australia the Customs Act 1901 does not require a Licensed Customs Broker [LCB] to submit an Export Declaration Number [EDN] to the Australian Border Force [ABF]. An EDN is required for (1) goods that are exported from Australia which are over $2000 AUD, (2) goods that are covered by an export permit or (3) for goods that will require a drawback of import duty. An EDN can be submitted to the ABF in less than a few minutes but can be audited by the ABF from the moment of submission and for the next five [5] years.
EDN’s require the operator to be proficient in INCOTERMS 2020, valuation, classification, CITES, Department of Defence permits [such as strategic goods], Therapeutic Goods Administration [TGA] policies and the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment permits [just to name a few]. In Australia an LCB is required to submit most import declarations to the ABF [excluding Self Assessed Clearances [SAC’s].
I have examined the ABF data from 01 July 2018 thru 31 March 2021 and have found that in each financial year, the error rate for the Export Declarations that the ABF audited were 49% for 2018-2019, 49% for 2019-2020 and so far 35.2% for 2020 thru until 31 March 2021. I have no hesitation in projecting the 2021 financial years data to be close to [or in excess of] the preceding two years data.
I have seen export operators in the industry process hundreds of EDN’s urgently in one shift and having no knowledge of the above underlying skills of valuation, classification nor the requirements of CITES or Department of Defence permits. There was certainly no time for the export operator to ask is this export invoice on FCA or CPT terms? Does this invoice include insurance? Are these strategic goods for which a Department of Defence permit is required?
The Customs Act 1901, Infringement Notice Scheme [INS] states that if an exporter exports goods which are classified as prohibited, the exporter [a body corporate] is liable to 45 penalty units @ $222 = $9,990.
It is in my opinion that if an EDN transmitter does not have the same educational training as a LCB then how can the ABF expect the error rate to improve? How can the ABF expect an EDN transmitter to understand valuation law, classification and the accompanying Interpretive Rules, INCOTERMS 2020 and permit issuing bodies; this takes years of training and experience to grasp.
The ABF has consistently listed the top seven [7] errors as FOB value, gross weight, classification, consignee city, net quantity, origin and currency. I believe that EDN’s should be transmitted to the ABF by LCB’s; the ABF would see the error rating on EDN’s decrease dramatically.